We have just concluded this annual series. You can visit our "Sermons" page (http://www.madisonumc.org/sermons) to catch up on previous sermons in this series.

We had a wonderful semester of food, fellowship, and study and we will resume our Wednesdays at Madison supper and studies in August. 

Our church made a significant donation to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee of Relief) to help fund their humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine. You can give a gift through our church (please add “UMCOR” in the memo line of your check) for this or go to this website to learn more about, and to share a gift with, UMCOR: https://umcmission.org/umcor/ukraine/.

The Commission overseeing the United Methodist General Conference announced on March 3 that they have made the decision to postpone the General Conference that was scheduled for August of 2022 and have moved it to May of 2024. They have cited concerns over delegates from other countries being able to acquire visas as well as concerns over vaccinations for those delegates.

Our Senior Pastor has taught an online Bible Study entitled "The 12 Disciples" every Wednesday night this spring. The study has concluded but you can find those sessions on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MadisonUnitedMethodistChurch.


Visit our this page of our website (http://www.madisonumc.org/connection) to learn more about how you can volunteer through our Connection Ministry (Ushers, Greeters, Fellowship Partners, etc.). 

The Honduras Mission Trip to support missionaries from our church, Todd and Kate Moody, will be on June 11-18. The Salt & Light Honduras Mission Trip will be on June 9-16. Contact our Director of Outreach Ministries, Steve Potter, for more information about these trips. 

Many of our Bible studies are finishing up for the spring semester. You can find information about the studies here: http://www.madisonumc.org/women or email Rev. Linda Rickman (linda@madisonumc.org).


Our church will send a gift to this UMCOR fund and you can share a gift through this link: https://umcmission.org/advance-project/901670. 100% of your gift will go to help those in need due to this disaster and none of your gift will be used for administrative costs. 

The Cantata was held on Sunday, December 12 and can be found on our church's YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/vynrd_gGeqU.
